Mesa Verde Trail at Smith Rock State Park
Location: Smith Rock State Park
Length: 0.65 miles
GPS Coordinates: N 44 21.952 W 121 08.233
Mesa Verde Trail is a very short, only 0.65-mile trail that connects to other more beautiful and popular trails. Though the trail is short and is used as a connecting trail, it provides several good views: nice views of Monkey Face and the surrounding.
While hiking along this trail I was amazed by the numerous yellow rock, gorgeous views and fabulously beautiful sky. By the way, the major rocks here are welded tuff or compressed volcanic ash. The spires and walls rise up to 550 feet above…a paradise for climbers!
By the way, this trail is considered to be steep: the trail ascends till the intersection with Misery Ridge Trail, and then descends as it runs to the intersection with Summit Trail.
Several words should be said about the trails that are connected to Mesa Verde Trail. At one end there is an intersection with the River Trail, then in the middle there is a connection with the Misery Ridge Trail, and at another end it intersects with the Summit Trail. This trail is also connected to other trails that take climbers to the best climbing rocks. What a view they get while climbing!
The trail system in the park is well-maintained and well-developed. Most of the trails start at the parking lot and intersect between each other.
Photo: Roman Khomlyak
Photo Editing: Juliana Voitsikhovska
Information: Maryna Petrova
Pictures taken: 09/3/16
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