Interesting facts about Lookout Mountain Road, Baker County, Oregon

Interesting facts about Lookout Mountain Road, Baker County, Oregon

Location: Baker County, Oregon
Length: about 17 miles
GPS Coordinates: N 44 28.491 W 117 20.478
Visitor’s Information Open: all year round

No Pass Required

Sometimes vanity and excessive pace of a big city is exhausting us so much that it seems nothing can please us any more, favorite work doesn’t provide any sense of accomplishment, and even family brings to our life only irritation instead of joy and happiness… The main thing is to understand at the right time that it’s a point in your life to stop and take a breath. Time to stay alone with yourself, reflect on your life and priorities in it …

The best thing you can do at such moments is to leave all this hustle and bustle of the city behind and retreat to a place where you’ll be surrounded by quietness and peacefulness of nature. It shouldn’t be necessarily a several-days camp out or a week’s vacation (though it could be a great recreation, completely immersing you in the beauty of a place you chose for this recreation). If you are limited in time but want to reconnect with the nature, a good hike or even a good drive along a scenic route, and having your lunch somewhere outside, can work.

Baker County has many scenic Byways offering you panoramic views and vistas to behold. But they are popular among the locals and tourist and will not provide you with the desired solitude. But if you take Exit 338 off from I-84, you will find yourself at Lookout Mountain road.

Lookout Mountain road is located next to Summit Creek. This unpaved, gravel covered road will take you through the hills and valleys of Baker County. Just relax and soak in the beauty of fabulous wide open spaces. Following this secluded road you will have a chance to be invigorated by gorgeous skies, sweeping views and exceptional serenity of the region.

The vegetable life here consists of grasses and shrubs, mostly sagebrush, bluebunch wheatgrass and Idaho fescue. If you travel along this route in spring you’ll also be able to admire the diversity of wildflowers.

Lookout Mountain Road is also one of the ways to reach Big Lookout Mountain – one of the natural features of Baker County, which is an isolated peak with the height of 3,120 ft. With such height it ranks # 16 in Oregon State.


Photo: Roman Khomlyak
Photo Editing: Juliana Voitsikhovska
Information: Svetlana Baranova

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